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- # Source Generated with Decompyle++
- # File: in.pyc (Python 2.6)
- import os
- import sys
- import tempfile
- import cups
- import dbus
- import gtk
- from debug import debugprint
- from dbus.mainloop.glib import DBusGMainLoop
- DBusGMainLoop(set_as_default = True)
- PK_AUTH_NAME = 'org.freedesktop.PolicyKit.AuthenticationAgent'
- PK_AUTH_PATH = '/org/gnome/PolicyKit/Manager'
- PK_AUTH_IFACE = 'org.freedesktop.PolicyKit.AuthenticationAgent'
- CUPS_PK_NAME = 'org.opensuse.CupsPkHelper.Mechanism'
- CUPS_PK_PATH = '/'
- CUPS_PK_IFACE = 'org.opensuse.CupsPkHelper.Mechanism'
- CUPS_PK_NEED_AUTH = 'org.opensuse.CupsPkHelper.Mechanism.NotPrivileged'
- pk_auth_ret = False
- pk_auth_error = None
- pk_auth_running = False
- pk_auth_done = False
- def _pk_auth_reply_handler(ret):
- global pk_auth_ret, pk_auth_done
- pk_auth_ret = ret
- pk_auth_done = True
- def _pk_auth_error_handler(e):
- global pk_auth_error, pk_auth_done
- pk_auth_error = str(e)
- pk_auth_done = True
- class Connection:
- def __init__(self, host, port, encryption):
- self._parent = None
- try:
- self._session_bus = dbus.SessionBus()
- self._system_bus = dbus.SystemBus()
- except dbus.exceptions.DBusException:
- self._session_bus = None
- self._system_bus = None
- self._connection = cups.Connection(host = host, port = port, encryption = encryption)
- self._hack_subclass()
- def _hack_subclass(self):
- methodtype = type(self._connection.getPrinters)
- for fname in dir(self._connection):
- if fname[0] == '_':
- continue
- fn = getattr(self._connection, fname)
- if type(fn) != methodtype:
- continue
- if not hasattr(self, fname):
- setattr(self, fname, fn.__call__)
- continue
- def set_parent(self, parent):
- self._parent = parent
- def _get_cups_pk(self):
- try:
- object = self._system_bus.get_object(CUPS_PK_NAME, CUPS_PK_PATH)
- return dbus.Interface(object, CUPS_PK_IFACE)
- except dbus.exceptions.DBusException:
- return None
- except AttributeError:
- return None
- else:
- return None
- def _obtain_auth(self, action, xid = 0):
- global pk_auth_ret, pk_auth_error, pk_auth_done, pk_auth_running, pk_auth_running
- if pk_auth_running:
- return False
- pk_auth_ret = False
- pk_auth_error = None
- pk_auth_done = False
- pk_auth_object = self._session_bus.get_object(PK_AUTH_NAME, PK_AUTH_PATH)
- pk_auth = dbus.Interface(pk_auth_object, PK_AUTH_IFACE)
- pk_auth_running = True
- pk_auth.ObtainAuthorization(action, dbus.UInt32(xid), dbus.UInt32(os.getpid()), reply_handler = _pk_auth_reply_handler, error_handler = _pk_auth_error_handler, timeout = 0x80000000L / 1000)
- while not pk_auth_done:
- gtk.main_iteration(True)
- continue
- pk_auth_running
- pk_auth_running = False
- if pk_auth_error != None:
- if pk_auth_error.find('org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply') == 0:
- return False
- raise dbus.exceptions.DBusException(pk_auth_error)
- pk_auth_error != None
- if not type(pk_auth_ret) == dbus.Boolean:
- return False
- return pk_auth_ret != 0
- def _handle_exception_with_auth(self, e):
- if e.get_dbus_name() != CUPS_PK_NEED_AUTH:
- return False
- tokens = e.get_dbus_message().split(' ', 2)
- if len(tokens) != 3:
- return False
- try:
- xid = 0
- ret = self._obtain_auth(tokens[0], xid)
- except dbus.exceptions.DBusException:
- len(tokens) != 3
- len(tokens) != 3
- e.get_dbus_name() != CUPS_PK_NEED_AUTH
- return False
- if not ret:
- raise cups.IPPError(cups.IPP_NOT_AUTHORIZED, 'pkcancel')
- ret
- return True
- def _call_with_pk_and_fallback(self, use_fallback, pk_function_name, pk_args, fallback_function, *args, **kwds):
- pk_function = None
- if not use_fallback:
- cups_pk = self._get_cups_pk()
- if cups_pk:
- try:
- pk_function = cups_pk.get_dbus_method(pk_function_name)
- except dbus.exceptions.DBusException:
- pass
- except:
- None<EXCEPTION MATCH>dbus.exceptions.DBusException
- None<EXCEPTION MATCH>dbus.exceptions.DBusException
- if use_fallback or not pk_function:
- return fallback_function(*args, **kwds)
- pk_retval = 'PolicyKit communication issue'
- while True:
- try:
- pk_retval = pk_function(*pk_args)
- if type(pk_retval) == tuple:
- retval = pk_retval[1:]
- if pk_retval[0] == '':
- if len(retval) == 1:
- return retval[0]
- return retval
- pk_retval[0] == ''
- continue
- except dbus.exceptions.DBusException:
- not pk_function
- e = not pk_function
- if not self._handle_exception_with_auth(e):
- break
- self._handle_exception_with_auth(e)
- not pk_function<EXCEPTION MATCH>dbus.exceptions.DBusException
- if pk_retval != '':
- debugprint('PolicyKit call to %s did not work: %s' % (pk_function_name, pk_retval))
- return fallback_function(*args, **kwds)
- def _args_to_tuple(self, types, *args):
- retval = [
- False]
- if len(types) != len(args):
- retval[0] = True
- retval.extend(types)
- return tuple(types)
- exception = False
- for i in range(len(types)):
- if type(args[i]) != types[i]:
- if types[i] == str and type(args[i]) == unicode:
- pass
- elif types[i] == str and type(args[i]) == int:
- retval.append(str(args[i]))
- continue
- elif types[i] == str and type(args[i]) == float:
- retval.append(str(args[i]))
- continue
- elif types[i] == str and type(args[i]) == bool:
- retval.append(str(args[i]))
- continue
- elif types[i] == str and args[i] == None:
- retval.append('')
- continue
- elif types[i] == list and type(args[i]) == tuple:
- retval.append(list(args[i]))
- continue
- elif types[i] == list and args[i] == None:
- retval.append([])
- continue
- else:
- exception = True
- retval.append(args[i])
- retval[0] = exception
- return tuple(retval)
- def _kwds_to_vars(self, names, **kwds):
- ret = []
- for name in names:
- if kwds.has_key(name):
- ret.append(kwds[name])
- continue
- ret.append('')
- return tuple(ret)
- def getDevices(self, *args, **kwds):
- use_pycups = False
- timeout = 0
- include_schemes = ''
- exclude_schemes = ''
- if len(args) == 3:
- (use_pycups, timeout, include_schemes, exclude_schemes) = self._args_to_tuple([
- int,
- str,
- str], *args)
- elif kwds.has_key('timeout'):
- timeout = kwds['timeout']
- if kwds.has_key('include_schemes'):
- include_schemes = kwds['include_schemes']
- if kwds.has_key('exclude_schemes'):
- exclude_schemes = kwds['exclude_schemes']
- pk_args = (timeout, include_schemes, exclude_schemes)
- result = self._call_with_pk_and_fallback(use_pycups, 'DevicesGet', pk_args, self._connection.getDevices, *args, **kwds)
- if len(result.keys()) > 0 and type(result[result.keys()[0]]) == dict:
- return result
- result_str = { }
- if result != None:
- for i in result.keys():
- if type(i) == dbus.String:
- result_str[str(i)] = str(result[i])
- continue
- type(result[result.keys()[0]]) == dict
- result_str[i] = result[i]
- devices = { }
- n = 0
- postfix = ':' + str(n)
- device_keys = _[1]
- for x in result_str.keys():
- if x.endswith(postfix):
- continue
- _[2][x]
- device_keys = _[2]
- []
- return devices
- def cancelJob(self, *args, **kwds):
- (use_pycups, jobid) = self._args_to_tuple([
- int], *args)
- pk_args = (jobid,)
- self._call_with_pk_and_fallback(use_pycups, 'JobCancel', pk_args, self._connection.cancelJob, *args, **kwds)
- def setJobHoldUntil(self, *args, **kwds):
- (use_pycups, jobid, job_hold_until) = self._args_to_tuple([
- int,
- str], *args)
- pk_args = (jobid, job_hold_until)
- self._call_with_pk_and_fallback(use_pycups, 'JobSetHoldUntil', pk_args, self._connection.setJobHoldUntil, *args, **kwds)
- def restartJob(self, *args, **kwds):
- (use_pycups, jobid) = self._args_to_tuple([
- int], *args)
- pk_args = (jobid,)
- self._call_with_pk_and_fallback(use_pycups, 'JobRestart', pk_args, self._connection.restartJob, *args, **kwds)
- def getFile(self, *args, **kwds):
- """ Keeping this as an alternative for the code.
- We don't use it because it's not possible to know if the call was a
- PK-one (and so we push the content of a temporary filename to fd or
- file) or a non-PK-one (in which case nothing should be done).
- filename = None
- fd = None
- file = None
- if use_pycups:
- if len(kwds) != 1:
- use_pycups = True
- elif kwds.has_key('filename'):
- filename = kwds['filename']
- elif kwds.has_key('fd'):
- fd = kwds['fd']
- elif kwds.has_key('file'):
- file = kwds['file']
- else:
- use_pycups = True
- if fd or file:
- """
- file_object = None
- fd = None
- if len(args) == 2:
- (use_pycups, resource, filename) = self._args_to_tuple([
- str,
- str], *args)
- else:
- (use_pycups, resource) = self._args_to_tuple([
- str], *args)
- if kwds.has_key('filename'):
- filename = kwds['filename']
- elif kwds.has_key('fd'):
- fd = kwds['fd']
- elif kwds.has_key('file'):
- file_object = kwds['file']
- elif not use_pycups:
- raise TypeError()
- else:
- filename = None
- if not use_pycups:
- if fd != None or file_object != None:
- (tmpfd, tmpfname) = tempfile.mkstemp()
- os.close(tmpfd)
- pk_args = (resource, tmpfname)
- self._call_with_pk_and_fallback(use_pycups, 'FileGet', pk_args, self._connection.getFile, *args, **kwds)
- tmpfd = os.open(tmpfname, os.O_RDONLY)
- tmpfile = os.fdopen(tmpfd, 'r')
- tmpfile.seek(0)
- if fd != None:
- os.lseek(fd, 0, os.SEEK_SET)
- line = tmpfile.readline()
- while line != '':
- os.write(fd, line)
- line = tmpfile.readline()
- else:
- file_object.seek(0)
- line = tmpfile.readline()
- while line != '':
- file_object.write(line)
- line = tmpfile.readline()
- tmpfile.close()
- os.remove(tmpfname)
- else:
- pk_args = (resource, filename)
- self._call_with_pk_and_fallback(use_pycups, 'FileGet', pk_args, self._connection.getFile, *args, **kwds)
- def putFile(self, *args, **kwds):
- if len(args) == 2:
- (use_pycups, resource, filename) = self._args_to_tuple([
- str,
- str], *args)
- else:
- (use_pycups, resource) = self._args_to_tuple([
- str], *args)
- if kwds.has_key('filename'):
- filename = kwds['filename']
- elif kwds.has_key('fd'):
- fd = kwds['fd']
- elif kwds.has_key('file'):
- file_object = kwds['file']
- elif not use_pycups:
- raise TypeError()
- else:
- filename = None
- if not use_pycups:
- if fd != None or file_object != None:
- (tmpfd, tmpfname) = tempfile.mkstemp()
- os.lseek(tmpfd, 0, os.SEEK_SET)
- if fd != None:
- os.lseek(fd, 0, os.SEEK_SET)
- buf = os.read(fd, 512)
- while buf != '':
- os.write(tmpfd, buf)
- buf = os.read(fd, 512)
- else:
- file_object.seek(0)
- line = file_object.readline()
- while line != '':
- os.write(tmpfd, line)
- line = file_object.readline()
- os.close(tmpfd)
- pk_args = (resource, tmpfname)
- self._call_with_pk_and_fallback(use_pycups, 'FilePut', pk_args, self._connection.putFile, *args, **kwds)
- os.remove(tmpfname)
- else:
- pk_args = (resource, filename)
- self._call_with_pk_and_fallback(use_pycups, 'FilePut', pk_args, self._connection.putFile, *args, **kwds)
- def addPrinter(self, *args, **kwds):
- (use_pycups, name) = self._args_to_tuple([
- str], *args)
- (filename, ppdname, info, location, device, ppd) = self._kwds_to_vars([
- 'filename',
- 'ppdname',
- 'info',
- 'location',
- 'device',
- 'ppd'], **kwds)
- need_unlink = False
- if not ppdname and not filename and ppd:
- (fd, filename) = tempfile.mkstemp()
- ppd.writeFd(fd)
- os.close(fd)
- need_unlink = True
- if filename and not ppdname:
- pk_args = (name, device, filename, info, location)
- self._call_with_pk_and_fallback(use_pycups, 'PrinterAddWithPpdFile', pk_args, self._connection.addPrinter, *args, **kwds)
- if need_unlink:
- os.unlink(filename)
- else:
- pk_args = (name, device, ppdname, info, location)
- self._call_with_pk_and_fallback(use_pycups, 'PrinterAdd', pk_args, self._connection.addPrinter, *args, **kwds)
- def setPrinterDevice(self, *args, **kwds):
- (use_pycups, name, device) = self._args_to_tuple([
- str,
- str], *args)
- pk_args = (name, device)
- self._call_with_pk_and_fallback(use_pycups, 'PrinterSetDevice', pk_args, self._connection.setPrinterDevice, *args, **kwds)
- def setPrinterInfo(self, *args, **kwds):
- (use_pycups, name, info) = self._args_to_tuple([
- str,
- str], *args)
- pk_args = (name, info)
- self._call_with_pk_and_fallback(use_pycups, 'PrinterSetInfo', pk_args, self._connection.setPrinterInfo, *args, **kwds)
- def setPrinterLocation(self, *args, **kwds):
- (use_pycups, name, location) = self._args_to_tuple([
- str,
- str], *args)
- pk_args = (name, location)
- self._call_with_pk_and_fallback(use_pycups, 'PrinterSetLocation', pk_args, self._connection.setPrinterLocation, *args, **kwds)
- def setPrinterShared(self, *args, **kwds):
- (use_pycups, name, shared) = self._args_to_tuple([
- str,
- bool], *args)
- pk_args = (name, shared)
- self._call_with_pk_and_fallback(use_pycups, 'PrinterSetShared', pk_args, self._connection.setPrinterShared, *args, **kwds)
- def setPrinterJobSheets(self, *args, **kwds):
- (use_pycups, name, start, end) = self._args_to_tuple([
- str,
- str,
- str], *args)
- pk_args = (name, start, end)
- self._call_with_pk_and_fallback(use_pycups, 'PrinterSetJobSheets', pk_args, self._connection.setPrinterJobSheets, *args, **kwds)
- def setPrinterErrorPolicy(self, *args, **kwds):
- (use_pycups, name, policy) = self._args_to_tuple([
- str,
- str], *args)
- pk_args = (name, policy)
- self._call_with_pk_and_fallback(use_pycups, 'PrinterSetErrorPolicy', pk_args, self._connection.setPrinterErrorPolicy, *args, **kwds)
- def setPrinterOpPolicy(self, *args, **kwds):
- (use_pycups, name, policy) = self._args_to_tuple([
- str,
- str], *args)
- pk_args = (name, policy)
- self._call_with_pk_and_fallback(use_pycups, 'PrinterSetOpPolicy', pk_args, self._connection.setPrinterOpPolicy, *args, **kwds)
- def setPrinterUsersAllowed(self, *args, **kwds):
- (use_pycups, name, users) = self._args_to_tuple([
- str,
- list], *args)
- pk_args = (name, users)
- self._call_with_pk_and_fallback(use_pycups, 'PrinterSetUsersAllowed', pk_args, self._connection.setPrinterUsersAllowed, *args, **kwds)
- def setPrinterUsersDenied(self, *args, **kwds):
- (use_pycups, name, users) = self._args_to_tuple([
- str,
- list], *args)
- pk_args = (name, users)
- self._call_with_pk_and_fallback(use_pycups, 'PrinterSetUsersDenied', pk_args, self._connection.setPrinterUsersDenied, *args, **kwds)
- def addPrinterOptionDefault(self, *args, **kwds):
- (use_pycups, name, option, value) = self._args_to_tuple([
- str,
- str,
- str], *args)
- if not use_pycups:
- values = (value,)
- else:
- (use_pycups, name, option, values) = self._args_to_tuple([
- str,
- str,
- list], *args)
- pk_args = (name, option, values)
- self._call_with_pk_and_fallback(use_pycups, 'PrinterAddOptionDefault', pk_args, self._connection.addPrinterOptionDefault, *args, **kwds)
- def deletePrinterOptionDefault(self, *args, **kwds):
- (use_pycups, name, option) = self._args_to_tuple([
- str,
- str], *args)
- pk_args = (name, option)
- self._call_with_pk_and_fallback(use_pycups, 'PrinterDeleteOptionDefault', pk_args, self._connection.deletePrinterOptionDefault, *args, **kwds)
- def deletePrinter(self, *args, **kwds):
- (use_pycups, name) = self._args_to_tuple([
- str], *args)
- pk_args = (name,)
- self._call_with_pk_and_fallback(use_pycups, 'PrinterDelete', pk_args, self._connection.deletePrinter, *args, **kwds)
- def addPrinterToClass(self, *args, **kwds):
- (use_pycups, printer, name) = self._args_to_tuple([
- str,
- str], *args)
- pk_args = (name, printer)
- self._call_with_pk_and_fallback(use_pycups, 'ClassAddPrinter', pk_args, self._connection.addPrinterToClass, *args, **kwds)
- def deletePrinterFromClass(self, *args, **kwds):
- (use_pycups, printer, name) = self._args_to_tuple([
- str,
- str], *args)
- pk_args = (name, printer)
- self._call_with_pk_and_fallback(use_pycups, 'ClassDeletePrinter', pk_args, self._connection.deletePrinterFromClass, *args, **kwds)
- def deleteClass(self, *args, **kwds):
- (use_pycups, name) = self._args_to_tuple([
- str], *args)
- pk_args = (name,)
- self._call_with_pk_and_fallback(use_pycups, 'ClassDelete', pk_args, self._connection.deleteClass, *args, **kwds)
- def setDefault(self, *args, **kwds):
- (use_pycups, name) = self._args_to_tuple([
- str], *args)
- pk_args = (name,)
- self._call_with_pk_and_fallback(use_pycups, 'PrinterSetDefault', pk_args, self._connection.setDefault, *args, **kwds)
- def enablePrinter(self, *args, **kwds):
- (use_pycups, name) = self._args_to_tuple([
- str], *args)
- pk_args = (name, True)
- self._call_with_pk_and_fallback(use_pycups, 'PrinterSetEnabled', pk_args, self._connection.enablePrinter, *args, **kwds)
- def disablePrinter(self, *args, **kwds):
- (use_pycups, name) = self._args_to_tuple([
- str], *args)
- pk_args = (name, False)
- self._call_with_pk_and_fallback(use_pycups, 'PrinterSetEnabled', pk_args, self._connection.disablePrinter, *args, **kwds)
- def acceptJobs(self, *args, **kwds):
- (use_pycups, name) = self._args_to_tuple([
- str], *args)
- pk_args = (name, True, '')
- self._call_with_pk_and_fallback(use_pycups, 'PrinterSetAcceptJobs', pk_args, self._connection.acceptJobs, *args, **kwds)
- def rejectJobs(self, *args, **kwds):
- (use_pycups, name) = self._args_to_tuple([
- str], *args)
- (reason,) = self._kwds_to_vars([
- 'reason'], **kwds)
- pk_args = (name, False, reason)
- self._call_with_pk_and_fallback(use_pycups, 'PrinterSetAcceptJobs', pk_args, self._connection.rejectJobs, *args, **kwds)
- def adminGetServerSettings(self, *args, **kwds):
- use_pycups = False
- pk_args = ()
- result = self._call_with_pk_and_fallback(use_pycups, 'ServerGetSettings', pk_args, self._connection.adminGetServerSettings, *args, **kwds)
- settings = { }
- if result != None:
- for i in result.keys():
- if type(i) == dbus.String:
- settings[str(i)] = str(result[i])
- continue
- settings[i] = result[i]
- return settings
- def adminSetServerSettings(self, *args, **kwds):
- (use_pycups, settings) = self._args_to_tuple([
- dict], *args)
- pk_args = (settings,)
- self._call_with_pk_and_fallback(use_pycups, 'ServerSetSettings', pk_args, self._connection.adminSetServerSettings, *args, **kwds)